Friday, August 26, 2005

Bolton doesn't waste any time...

The Independent - The US vs The UN

It appears that infamous by now US envoy to UN isn't wasting any time with proceeding with his "reforms" of the world body. However, it looks like his concerns were not limited to the administrative defects of the organization, as he claimed, but spreads over to the overall goals and principals, that have implications far beyond the UN itself. Mr. Bolton seems to be looking to change the number of UN plans, which will affect billions around the world, especially in poor and developing countries. According to this article from The Independent, he is objecting to everything from the Millennium Goals and Development aid to Global Warming to Nuclear arsenal reductions:

"America's controversial new ambassador to the United Nations is seeking to shred an agreement on strengthening the world body and fighting poverty intended to be the highlight of a 60th anniversary summit next month. In the extraordinary intervention, John Bolton has sought to roll back proposed UN commitments on aid to developing countries, combating global warming and nuclear disarmament.

...The [Bolton's] amendments are spelt out in a 32-page US version, first reported by the Washington Post and acquired yesterday by The Independent. The document is littered with deletions and exclusions. Most strikingly, the changes eliminate all specific reference to the so-called Millennium Development Goals, accepted by all countries at the last major UN summit in 2000, including the United States.

The Americans are also seeking virtually to remove all references to the Kyoto treaty and the battle against global warming. They are striking out mention of the disputed International Criminal Court and drawing a red line through any suggestion that the nuclear powers should dismantle their arsenals. Instead, the US is seeking to add emphasis to passages on fighting terrorism and spreading democracy."

So for everyone who still harbored any doubts about Bolton’s views and his intentions this should come as a final clarification.

""Very quickly, Mr. Bolton has given the answer to anyone still wondering whether his long and difficult journey to New York - President George Bush confirmed him to the post after the US Senate was unable to - would render him coy or cautious. Far from that, he seems intent on taking the UN by the collar and plainly saying to its face what America expects - and does not expect - from it."