Katrina: Blaming the "Welfare State" and more on Racism
I had the following to say in response.I don't want to take too much of your time, but the spin starts. Didn't really read this article (below)- didn't have to. My first thought was: this is the rhetoric of a conservative Bush supporting Republican. So I briefly checked this guy out- seems to be a white guy based out of North Carolina (and yes he's a conservative). This is a complicated issue, but this idiot seems to place all the blame squarely on the victims (and the local Democratic government). Bottom line: he's saying this disaster is the result of the poor not being able to help themselves, and its their fault. He highlights the looting and violence the media focused on as justification for his beliefs (violence that was perpetrated by the few- not the many). Most importantly, he makes no mention of any other long term issues that contributed to this disaster (ie. levees, erosion of the coast line over the decades, etc). Again, this is a complicated issue and I'm not ready to solely blame anybody yet, but tell me the statement below (quoted from the article below) isn't disgusting, pathetic, and the belief of many conservative white Americans:
With respect to the disaster that occurred at the Superdome: "People living in piles of their own trash, while petulantly complaining
that other people aren't doing enough to take care of them and then
shooting at those who come to rescue them...It is a perfect summary of the 40-year history
of the welfare state and its public housing projects."
P.S. The article below seems to "intellectualize" his argument- to me its just racism packaged a different way.
You are certainly right. The racism has many names and many faces. This is just one of them.
I learned about this article earlier from one of the blogs, but did not pay attention and was not surprised at all. This idea isn't new. Don't you know? the poor are poor because they are lazy, because they are sinners or perhaps (as the idea bellow seem to imply) because they are, well non-white...
The idea or rather belief has been advanced by the puritans long time ago. Poverty is a punishment from God, and wealth is a reward. It doesn't matter whether the wealth is gained in honest way or through fraud and crookery. You should not question the whether one is a crook or not, his wealthy and that means he is cleared by the almighty. The conservatives today are of' course the descendants of the same puritans (or pretty much their reincarnation).
For all their resentment of Darwin's theory of evolution, they seem to always embrace it's application to the realities of the society. They never have a problem with Social Darwinism.
There is a truth in this proposition of' course. The poverty and race, as we discussed earlier, were the major reasons for the magnitude of the human disaster and such a high level of human losses. But you are right when you say that the victims (the poor) are getting blamed as if it is an inexplicable fact why they are poor. As usual nothing about the causes of their predicament is being discussed nor will it be anytime soon... That's not sexy..that doesn't sell TV time or newspapers, moreover people "shouldn't care about it". Everyone for himself, remember? Wealth still trumps the commonwealth.
Grover Norquist - one of the main conservative ideologues who constantly lobbies of lower or no taxes, and hence for no social spending, has famously said that he would like to cut down the government to the size where "we can drown it in the bathtub". I don't think they cut down the government (actually just the opposite), but it looks like they found a big-enough tub instead... Sadly, it wasn't only the "government" that drowned there...
I heard even more disgusting reports through the independent media. The white residents from the New Orleans area (perhaps unaware of rolling camera), were expressing the pleasure that now all "those people" (black people) will be moved out of there and the place will much better without them. Some were also joking how Texas governor will be voted out in the next election for taking in "those people".
There is no race or class in America? Think again...
P.S. You are only wrong in one thing, when you say that the spin starts now. It has been going on for days now, when they realized that the TV appearance, forming task force and "projecting confidence" (read arrogance and ignorance) was not enough this time and that the press core surprisingly found its human side and expressed outrage. The Right-Wing Noise Machine is already cranking and will soon be at full throttle.
By the way, I don't mean to suggest that those were rumors, but the claims of rape and similar events in the Superdome were never confirmed. Authorities could not find anyone who came forward with those claims. It does however serve the bigger "spin" of "people living in piles of their own waste".
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