Friday, October 21, 2005

Couple of musts (read/listen/watch)

First is the Scott Ritter's interview to Democracy Now!

Second is:
James Moore: The Most Important Criminal Case in American History | The Huffington Post

This wonderfully written article by James Moore underscores once again the true stakes in the leak investigation. Moreover it shows how much more is behind the story for all of us who thought of this affair as an impromptu or rush of the moment act of dirty payback by the political operatives. It gives us a glimpse farther down the rabbit hole....

... We may stand witness to a definitive American moment of democracy. The son of a New York doorman probably has in his hands, in many ways, the fate of the republic. Because far too many of us know and are aware of the crimes committed by our government in our name, we are unlikely to settle for a handful of minor indictments of bureaucrats. The last thing most of us believe in is the rule of law.

...Fortunately, there are good signs. Fitzgerald has reportedly asked for a copy of the Italian government’s investigation into the break-in of the Niger embassy in Rome and the source of the forged documents. The blatantly fake papers, which purported to show that Saddam Hussein had cut a deal to get yellowcake uranium from Niger, turned up after a December 2001 meeting in Rome involving neo-con Michael Ledeen, Larry Franklin, Harold Rhodes, and Niccolo Pollari, the head of Italy’s intelligence agency SISMI, and Antonio Martino, the Italian defense minister."

Read the rest to learn more.