Monday, January 10, 2005

Presidential Reading What the President Reads -- Jan. 17, 2005

The Time article above tries to provide a look into the reading interests of the presidents. The author discloses some unexpected information on what the favorite reading is.
George Bush's critics think of his reading list as a spindly thing--the Bible, the box scores and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, his favorite choice to read to school kids. So there will be chuckles of disbelief when his detractors hear that one of his latest passions is Natan Sharansky's The Case for Democracy and that when it comes to approval from the intelligentsia, the President is more needy than he lets on.

The article suggest a search for theoretical basis for current actions (although perhaps it would be great to have it before starting them in the first place).
...But in his readings and talks with authors, he is seeking theoretical scaffolding for his actions from the pointy-headed intellectuals he often appears to disdain, rather than combing through their pages looking for ideas that would challenge his world view.
The writers however do not forget to ask if there is practical use from conversations with historians and authors. One of the meetings took place with Yale professor and author of a book about Otto von Bismarck.
The author had written that the 19th century German Chancellor shared the President's belief in the benefits of showing military might but also had a diplomat's touch for handling the messy aftermath. Bush seemed to be looking for a softer approach to foreign policy after waging two wars. "There was a recognition that not everything has gone as expected in Iraq," says Gaddis, "that a lot of friction has been generated and that one has to take that into account."

Six months after his visit, Gaddis says he hasn't seen Bush emulate Bismarck much. That may be fuel for a new debate for Bush's critics: Can a President who finds support for his beliefs in history also learn from it? ???


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