Monday, December 13, 2004

Rumsfeld was asked about the armor seven month ago | Rumsfeld, the bungler
Joe Conason writes in that Rumsfeld was asked a similar question regarding the armor by a soldier seven month ago during his visit to Baghdad. We may remember that it was bad time for him as he was in a midst of the prison scandal, so he decided to take a road trip to improve his image. Apparently there was a town-hall style meeting after the great photo-op, where the question was asked. Rumsfeld reportedly referred the question to Gen. Myers after hearing that the soldier had a "force protection" question.
As Conason writes:
The soldier stumbled and mumbled in his question but the meaning was plain enough: "Sir, my unit, the 2nd Brigade -- (inaudible) -- Cav[alry], we have five out of the six red zones in this country. And with the up-armored Humvees, the new -- (off mike) -- Humvees they're bringing over with the -- (inaudible) -- those doors are not as good as the ones on the up-armored Humvees (inaudible). We even lost quite -- we lost some soldiers due to them, and we're trying to make a change -- (inaudible). The question is, are we going to get more up-armored Humvees?"

Myers didn't seem to offer much except for uplifting rhetoric, which if of' course if true would eliminate the need for the soldiers to have similar concerns now. However seven month later the problems were not resolved.
If his competence matched his confidence, Rumsfeld would not only have investigated but acted months ago to improve "force protection" in Iraq. It is amazing indeed that as the war drags on toward its second anniversary, and as the lack of planning for the occupation continues to take a terrible toll on our men and women along with the Iraqi people, this man remains in the job he has bungled so badly.


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