Friday, November 05, 2004


I know that I am running a risk of becoming annoying, and that I said we would grieve for a while. So I apologize for that. As much as I tried to stay away, there is a lot being said and written in this crucial "post-mortem" period.

Here are some "get even madder" kind of news for masochists:

Or some "why did he do that.." type for the still angry ones:

And some "silver lining" news for everyone:

There is obviously lot of talk about re-thinking and regrouping and so on for Democrats it is hard to read all of them.

And there seem to be a movement developing to pull them towards faith, God, other words to the right. (don't have an example handy). Although I have nothing against religion or faith, this worries me a little. Therefore I am uneasy with Dem's new choice for minority leader - Harry Reid. Another semi-southerner, another moderate or conservative, centrist, anti-Roe… I am afraid when these people speak for Dems they sound too much like the GOP (as they are worried for their immediate constituency and those illusive and presumably centrist swing voters). Hence they do not offer any reason to choose them over their opponents except for "we can what they do better"…
Thankfully others like our great friend Paul Krugman are issuing calls of "No Surrender" -

Yes, it is obviously clear that resistance should be mounted on all levels from school or town boards to federal offices.
There is certainly lot more to read (if one wants to), and I am sure you all found something else worth reading (please send me links).
Until next time…goodbye


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8:54 AM  

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