Monday, December 06, 2004

Democrats are getting lessons from Lakoff

UC scholar to help Democrats refine message / Party is urged to control policy debate

It looks like George Lakoff's prominence grows faster and faster. For the first time Democrats are going to listen to his advice as a group. For those who were following Lakoff's writings this development is certainly very promising. I would only hope that this does not become a mechanical impulse or some sort of a script. In order for these tactics to succeed they must be natural and used simply as a communication tool for already existing ideas and views. Many would agree that he ideas are already there and have been there for quite some time, so that part of the system should be covered. We need to hope that every politician would adapt the techniques to their own style, while keep the underling approach intact. As Lakoff himself notes:
"You can't speak simply if people don't already have the issues you want to raise in mind"


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