Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Small, but important, win for free-speech and equality

t r u t h o u t - Campuses Allowed to Bar Military Recruiters

It instinctively sounded unfair, when we learned that universities must allow military recruiters, because of the risk of loosing federal funding. The university principles and the feelings of most of the students were declared irrelevant. I remember few years back the students at Yale staged a massive protest of Pentagon’s policy towards Gays and Lesbians and expressed their displeasure with the presence of the recruiters. It all was viewed as a formality. Well, not any longer, as the federal court agreed with the universities and declared that they cannot be forced to jeopardize their free-speech principles and be "blackmailed' into keeping quite. Apparently it was also an obscure clause inserted in "No child left behind" act that also granted free access of recruiters to the High Schools. I hope this decision will affect this terrible policy as well. I heard many upset parents that were frustrated by the fact that they cannot stop the recruiters from going after their kinds while there at school.


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